It’s an uncomfortable task to begin with. Writing something that you were never meant to write. But writing your own eulogy is a great way to put things in life in to perspective.  

I do this every now and then; when I’m feeling a little ‘swept away’ by life – when I’m just going through the motions. 

Get up. Go to work. Have dinner. Sleep. Repeat until weekend. 

It’s probably a pattern that a lot of people can relate to. But setting some time aside every few months to check in and reflect can put things back into perspective. I mean, no one in their eulogy is going to mention about the time they did overtime at work to get that project finished. Even if it does feel like the most important thing in the world at that time, and it’s causing you so much stress and pressure. In the grand scheme of things,  it’s not important.  

What most people will mention is the impact that you have on the people around you. How you made them feel. How their life was made better by having you in it. Sometimes it helps to be reminded of that. 

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