A couple of days ago I posted about A New Dawn, the RPG (D&D 5e) world that my friend and I have invented. Over the coming weeks we’ll be releasing, to the players, a few different documents covering the history, races and classes within our little universe.

I’m really proud with the way its turned out, and I wanted to share it. So, here’s the first document ‘Origins’. You’ll find out about the history of the A New Dawn universe, and we start to paint a picture of what life is like when our adventure starts, at the beginning of the 15th Century.

Here’s the Document – A New Dawn – Origins

If you have any feedback, please get in touch. I’d like to eventually start to share the stories and adventures of the characters as they make their way through the universe – but we’ve got some characters to make beforehand.


(I do have to mention that we did pilfer the pictures from the Numenera RPG as some of them fit reflected our universe quite well. But, as we’re not making any money off this then I don’t think it’s a problem!)

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