
Hi there. Come in, put your feet up and relax. This is my little corner of the internet. My name’s Ste and you’re more than welcome.

I’m currently 29, an ENTP and in a 9-5 job. The problem is, that I feel like I’m not suited to that life at all. I’d describe myself as a ‘Renaissance Man’ or a ‘Scanner’ – someone who is interested in knowing a little about a lot, and who gets a little bored a little too easily with structure (you know, like a 9-5 job).

So, I’m going to go on a journey of discovery in the next few months to see how I can focus and use my curiosity in a more productive way. So, one of the things I’ve always wanted to do is write a regular blog.

This blog will be part journal, part sharing of knowledge and ideas I find interesting, and parts yet to be discovered. There is no plan yet. I have no idea what it will look like in the future, but I hope I’ll be able to jump right in and figure that out as I go.

Enjoy the musings, they’re probably going to be a little bit of self-therapy, but you never know when something will hit home.

Stay curious. You never know what you might find when you look.